Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

CGI blood… Really Mr. Stallone? oh And Scott Pilgrim too

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Gah so I have been doing quite a bit of work on this project and I decided that it was time for a break. I saw 3 movies this weekend. Here they are in the order that I saw them:

  1. Eat Pray Love
  2. The Expendables
  3. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Now if I was to order these movies based on my level of enjoyment I would say that it would be:

  1. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  2. Eat Pray Love
  3. The Expendables

Now Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was just a wonderful piece of art. Eat Pray Love was nice. Even the Expendables was good. But my main beef/gripe is that in the expendables they used CGI blood. You know, the crappy looking effects that they have in movies like Ninja Assasin where the blood is just squirting around everywhere, is obviously CGI and looks extremely horrible?

I will admit that the effects in Ninja Assassins were much blatantly horrible. But there was still CGI Blood squirting everywhere. Also I didn’t like Dolph Lungren’s character. He was the reason I wanted to see the damn movie, and they gave him the crappy character, eh.

But yeah, go see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It will  be way better than you could have expected. It’s like an action movie, combined with Romantic Comedy, combined with Superbad, combined with Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Zelda, Mario 64, and Super Mario. AMAZING!

Peace out ya’ll

I am sorry…

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

To that one person who actually reads this blog I must apologize. I have been so busy watching Lexx and Babylon 5 that I have badly neglected this blog.

But now that school at LMU is done, my internship at Kaiser Permanente IT is winding down, and I am done watching Lexx I will hopefully have the time to update this blog a bit. I do have some things to catch up on such as Tiger Woods, oil spills, my Hong Kong trip this coming fall etc. etc. etc.

Anyways this will all have to wait until I get to my computer. It is sort of annoying typing on my HTC/Google Nexus One for long periods of time.

Zip it up! And zip it out! Peace