Archive for the ‘web stuff’ Category

RJ’s Love-Hate Relationship with Forums

Monday, July 6th, 2009

So I was looking around for some information on the graduate school that I will be attending in the fall and I stumbled upon businessweeks forum. And there was a thread about whether or not some guy had a chance of getting into the program or not. The guy had a 3.2 undergrad GPA and a 710 GMAT score.  Just to put things in perspective, I got in with a 640  GMAT and a 3.0 undergrad GPA (history). But of course I had more work experience than him but not by much.

But that is besides the point. There was this douche bag on the forum just blasting the Fordham MBA program every chance he got. This idiots username was Mandulambar. If you see him on the forums over at businessweek please say hello for me, and call him a douche if you can. If you don’t like Fordham and don’t have anything related to the original question to say, then WHY ARE YOU IN THE FORDHAM SECTION (all caps means I’m yelling). But anyways, his posts had absolutely nothing to do with what the original poster was asking and that is what really upsets me about forums nowadays.

The same thing happened to me on I got hardcore flamed for asking a simple question. And the flaming had absolutely nothing to do with my question. One person even said that I would not go far in the business world, based solely on me asking what the availability of mid 1990’s JDM engines would be in two years. These idiots were on’s forum and they were bashing Hondas. Granted this was the general discussion section but still it was on I just don’t understand, if you don’t like Hondas there is no reason why you should be posting anywhere on

But in the past forums were never like this. It seems that now that everybody has discovered forums all the douche bags have come out to play and they only want to put people down.

But while I hate forums I still need and sometimes love them. There have been many times when there was something that I was wondering about and a Google search brought up a thread on a forum that was EXACTLY what I needed. It seems as though forums are an invaluable tool that are slowly being corrupted by a bunch of idiots who enjoy putting people down. Personally I don’t know if I will ever bother to post on anymore because I am constantly thinking about how I got hardcore flamed for absolutely no reason.

Eh oh well what can you do. I can’t live with forums but I can’t live without them either. Such is life…

Peace out.

Man I bet all the ads on my page are gonna be about vaginal cleansing due to my constant usage of the word douche bag haha. Oh well whatever nobody clicks on them anyways.

Browser Browser Browser

Monday, June 29th, 2009

Due to my recent experiences with Internet Explorer I have now switched to Firefox as my main browser. Even though Internet Explorer works great from a user’s standpoint I cannot continue to use it. I recently had some nightmares about browser compatibility issues which now makes Internet Explorer too painful to use.

Oh, for all of you viewing this website on Internet Explorer 6 or earlier I am sorry. If you want to see what it is supposed to look like look at it in IE7 or any other browser that is on the market today.

Ugh Internet Explorer. Good Morning from Taiwan and peace out.

RJ’s Dislike for IE Continues

Sunday, June 28th, 2009

Well in my last entry I was having an extremely annoying problem with a site that I was working on in IE. When I used transparencies IE just turned off cleartype and gave me nasty and difficult to read text. Since I didn’t think that the organization would want crappy text I had to think of a workaround.

In the process of fumbling around the internets I discovered that all of the CSS Filters, that ONLY Internet Explorer supports, turn off cleartype when they are used. There is a workaround to enclose the internal text in a relatively positioned div tag but that does not work for the opacity filter. Since Internet Explorer does not support conventional methods of handling opacity the filter method was the only way available to me. I had thought of some one crazy workaround but I didn’t want to go that route because it was overly complicated. I scoured the internets and found nothing that would work. The only workaround that I found was the exact one that I thought of. Boy was I pissed.

What I had to do was use Internet Explorer only comments (can you believe it? they know that their browser has issues so they have this comment syntax that ONLY internet explorer will see) to comment out the text that worked fine in every other browser. Then I had to use an Internet Explorer only html if statement to load the text if the page was loaded in Internet Explorer. Here comes the stupid part. The internet explorer text had to be brought into the page after the translucent div tag. Then I had to absolutely position it directly on top of the translucent div. So now I have this stupid hack on this page that I made. God I am hating Internet Explorer right now.

Here is what the text looks like on Internet Explorer 8 after my “workaround.”



Here it is before my overly complicated workaround.


And here is the Firefox rendering with no workarounds needed.


The difference is that the Internet Explorer 8 rendering with the workaround has a translucent background but not translucent text. I think I can change the coloring of the text to give it the right effect but I am too annoyed to deal with it right now. whatever, problem solved, in my case at least.

My final word on this is “get Firefox.” Then hopefully one day when people make web pages they won’t even take Internet Explorer’s idiosyncrasies into account when designing websites.

Long live Firefox! peace out!