Archive for the ‘Gadgets’ Category

Rasta Monkey… What an Offensive Title!

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

at some point after I returned from Taiwan last year I heard about an iPhone game called Rasta Monkey. It was selling for $1.99 and you guessed it! you play the game as a Rastafarian Monkey. At the time I looked at the title of the game and I thought “Wow what a racist title!” Since The NAACP will complain about a garbled word on a Hallmark card (here if you’re curious), I assumed that someone would quickly complain about this title and it would be modified. So I mentioned to the people near me at the time that I felt that it was quite offensive and beyond that I was quite happy to let someone else complain about it to Apple.

But recently I was talking to a friend about the Hallmark card I linked to earlier and this game jumped into my brain. I thought surely someone has done something about this offensive title. I went over to my Girlfriend’s iPhone to see if it was still on the market and it is!  it is now $.99 instead of $1.99. I think this is quite ridiculous, and I don’t understand why more people are not complaining about this offensive game title.

I thought that maybe I was over-thinking or being too easily offended with this so I embarked upon an enlightening Google search. In 2008 Linda Ramirez-Sliwinski was forced to resign as a delegate for Obama because she referred to some African American kids swinging around in a tree as monkeys (check it out here). her exact words were something like “quit playing around in that tree like a bunch of monkeys.” In my humble opinion the usage of the term, in this context, was not racist. Monkey’s do swing in trees. It seems to me that she was showing genuine concern for the welfare of the children. She didn’t want them to fall out of the tree and crack their heads open. But she was encouraged to resign anyways.  It is also worthwhile to mention that she received a $75 dollar fine for disorderly conduct which shows that the government (her city’s government) perceived her actions as being wrong and against the law.

Here we have a game where a group that is largely African-American (I consider Jamaica to be part of the Americas) being likened to monkeys swinging through trees. This is especially offensive because as aforementioned monkey can be used as a derogatory term for people of African descent. Furthermore, to my knowledge, Rastafarians are not known for swinging around in trees like monkeys. So I really doubt that this game title would be acceptable under any context.

I am shocked that Apple allowed this application to get onto the app store with this title, and even more surprised that it has stayed in the app store for this length of time. It is a well known fact that Apple actively filters the content of the app store so I must wonder what this says about their priorities.

If you want to read an actual review of this game go here. If you think I am being uptight about it then let me know. My mind is not set on anything ever so if I am wrong I will admit it. But for now, in my opinion, Nitako’s Rasta Monkey game is quite offensive. I really wonder why this has not been a bigger deal!

finally…. the anti-climactic froyo installation

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

After waiting all this time dialing *#*#checking#*#* like a maniac, I finally have froyo installed on my AT&T Nexus One. I probably single handedly crashed whatever server dealt with those checkin requests. Today, after reading here that it was available, I said screw waiting for the OTA update and downloaded the file here. Followed the manual install instructions located here (substituting the file in those instructions with the other file I linked to). And now my phone is froyo-ified!

After all this time waiting it seems rather anti-climactic. The only cool thing that I have noticed is that I can now create a wireless network from my 3G data plan.  I guess flash is cool, but doesn’t work and that is all I cared about as far as flash is concerned. Oh and things scroll faster.

Perhaps some of you will care that my exchange calendar from Seattle University just automatically popped up, I sure don’t. I guess I would care about that if I had anything on it, but I don’t.

But I am sort of frustrated because Robo Defense now runs all rough. eh oh well, maybe it will work better tomorrow. I really hope that whoever makes robo defense will allow it to be installed on the SD card because I really need to change google accounts on my phone but I don’t want to lose my score!

Now that I am sufficiently satisfied that I have the newest Google Android experience possible I am supremely happy that I didn’t give in and buy an iPhone 4. Even though the OS is not mind blowingly different and better for my purposes it is still nice to have something new and shiny!

Froyo Again…….

Friday, June 18th, 2010

I think I am officially pissed at Google. They announced this Froyo updated almost a month ago, then an accidental leak that only works foor T-Mobile users, then…. nothing. Their defenders have been saying that May 20th was just an announcement (I wish this thing could capture my tone. eh.). But I say that we should expect more from Google.

When the Apple God, Steve Jobs,  makes an announcement about the iPhone he says when it will be available and when it can be pre-ordered. With the iPhone 4 that date is June 24th, and I think pre-orders were available like the day he announced it.

With Google, they announced this new OS, which is supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread, and then gave it to a few Press phones with no announcements about actual release dates. I find that to be quite ridiculous. I love the freedom that android provides me. I can download files off of the internet straight to my phone, use my phone as usb storage, install third party apps to replace my keyboard and texting interfaces, and much more. But I am starting to wonder if it is worth it if this is the kind of treatment Google is going to give it’s customers.

The bottom line is that if you announce something you should have a date when that product or upgrade will be available.  I do not know what ASAP means, it could be tomorrow, it could be next month. Setting a specific date makes Google accountable to their consumers to release by that date. Apple is willing to accept that accountability, why isn’t Google?

Eh, Google isn’t reading this, I don’t know why I even bother.

Maybe I should jut get an iPhone 4, I can get one with an $18 upgrade fee. (AT&T users can dial *639# to check your upgrade eligibility) The only problem is that when I am roaming around South East Asia and Hong Kong from September to December I will be screwed. AT&T told me it would be $1.69 a minute so I will need an unlocked phone.

Oh one more thing. For those of you experiencing touch screen issues on the Nexus One You might want to look into what applications you have that could be causing the problem. I was having this annoying as hell touch screen issue and it turned out that my installation of Smart Keyboard was the culprit. As soon as I switched to Better Keyboard the problem went away.

Peace out my friends I will catch you later!