Archive for the ‘Gadgets’ Category

Nexus One Again

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

I have discovered that the Nexus One touch screen is just as good as the iPhone’s touchscreen. My problem was the skinomi screen protector. It really turned the Nexus one experience into a nightmare.

But now that I got rid of it the Nexus One is a real joy to use.

RJ testing the Nexus One WordPress App

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Still loving my nexus one and I am also liking the nexus one’s version of the WordPress app. It is much faster than the iPhone equivalent. But it might be that the phone is faster. I have noticed that web pages load noticeably faster on the nexus one than my iPhone 3GS.

But whatever, later dudes.

RJ on the Nexus One After Using it a While

Wednesday, March 31st, 2010

So I have had my Nexus One for a little while and NO I have not migrated back to my iPhone. In fact my 16gb iPhone 3GS is still up for sale on ebay. Good riddance Apple, hello Google and HTC.

Although the touch screen seems to not be quite as good as the iPhone 3GS I have really enjoyed the extra customizations that Android allows over the iPhone. With the iPhone you are stuck with the built in Keyboard, browser, or messaging applications. But this is not the case with Android. I have experimented with Smart Keyboard Pro, Opera Mobile, and Handcent SMS.

I REALLY love Smart Keyboard Pro because the built in keyboard that came with the Nexus One left much to be desired. Opera Mobile sucked and so did the other browser replacement called Dolphin. Handcent SMS is a messaging program that looks a lot like the iPhone’s built in messaging program and from what I have seen of it is really a cosmetic improvement over  built in SMS application.

My one gripe is that I just had to have my Nexus One replaced. The ear piece speaker just died on me. Although this sucked, I really want to let it be known that the return was extremely easy and after talking with HTC support (yep HTC supports the device, not Google) I felt like the transaction was going to go well. And it did, the ear piece died on monday the 29th of March and today the 31st I am enjoying my 100% functional replacement phone.

So the Ranting Jamaican is very happy with his new Nexus One and very happy with HTC customer care.

Next time I’ll share some pictures from my 7-day cruise to mexico!

Peace Out ya’ll!