RJ’s Last Day in the USA for 2010

September 12th, 2010

So yeah today is my last day in the USA for 2010. Well I guess if you look at my itinerary you will see that I am actually coming back on December 31st. But in order to sound impressive I am going to stick with this being the last day in the US in 2010. Actually, since I am sitting in the airport right now for my first connection to Vancouver these are really my last few hours in the US.

Due to a very long story we had to get to the airport at 11AM since we couldn’t check our bags until 5 hours before the flight we got on the stand by list for the 4:05PM flight and checked our bags. unfortunately there is only the one flight to Hong Kong so we will just have to wait longer in Vancouver but at least we are free of our big luggage. This will serve as a slight correction to the itinerary linked to above if we get on this earlier flight.

But anyways the real purpose of this blog entry is to show two pictures. Here is a picture of all of my stuff laid out on my bed.

As you can see I have quite a lot of stuff there but here is the next picture. This is the backpack that I am carrying with me backpacking through Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.


Can you believe that all the stuff on that bed is now in that backpack? well it is! But yeah that is 6 weeks of stuff. We’ll have to be washing clothes all the time but I think it will be fun. Oh I believe in my Recent Purchases entry I mentioned the failure of my cheap backpack. The backpack pictured above is the new one I bought. I got it for 89.95 from the REI outlet, it’s the 2009 Deuter Futura 40 backpack. The original price was 129.95 but I got it at a discount. Here is the link, if you are looking into a small-ish backpack for backpacking then this is the deal for you. I suggest that you get it while it lasts haha.

Anyways it is time for me to go! I am off to Vancouver and then Hong Kong! at some point I will have to write a bit about the Kindle 3G+Wifi that I received recently. In my opinion it is the most amazing thing that has happened to reading since the Gutenberg printing press.


Gmail VOIP… I’m done with Skype!

August 26th, 2010

I wonder how many people cancelled their Skype subscriptions today. I know mine is gone. After hearing about Google’s announcement of free calls to US numbers straight from Gmail I finally had an excuse to cancel it.

There have been a few reasons why I have been annoyed with Skype over the past few months.

First, I purchased a phone number through them and was under the impression that it was a subscription but then I found out that they cancelled my phone number. It seems that I received some sort of random email from them about it but since I assumed it was automatically deducted from my Paypal account so I ignored it. OK, I’ll admit this one is sort of my fault. Anyways on to the second reason!

Second, the other day (2 weeks ago or so) I opened up my Fring application, on my Nexus One, to find that Skype was mysteriously removed from it. As it turns out there was some sort of law suit, or something, that stopped Fring from using Skype in their application.

This brings me to my third and final gripe. Since I could no longer use Skype on Fring I figured ok well I can at least get the Skype application. Because why would they stop Fring from using their services if there was no alternative. I searched around and found that there is a Skype Android application. I go to the Skype website to download it and it says my phone is not supported. After that I looked at the supported phones and I was shocked to find out that only Verizon Android phones are allowed to download the Skype app. I was so pissed off.

I had no other real option though, Google bought Gizmo5 in November of last year so I couldn’t use that. So I was forced to just stuck with skype and figured I would use it on my netbook (Asus 1005HA) when I am in Asia in the fall. But then Google came to my rescue with this new FREE feature in Gmail. So I said F*** to you Skype and cancelled my subscription.

Now just so you don’t get the wrong idea, this is an experimental phase for the service. Google has promised that the feature will remain free until the end of the year while they evaluate whether they are able to profit on the long distance calls made with this service. So it is possible that this may not be free forever. But I was willing to pay for Skype, so I am also willing to pay for this new Gmail VOIP service.

I know that this still does not solve my problem of not being able to use Skype on my cell phone. But since Skype has become such an annoyance I have decided to stop using it and use the Gmail VOIP. A lot of the reason, other than the fact that is is currently free, is that all I need to do is open up my Gmail account instead of downloading some annoying application that turns every string of 7 numbers in my browser into a god damn clickable phone number. So the Gmail VOIP is much more convenient, also I used it twice today and found that it actually seems to work with less lag than Skype, but we shall see if that is still true when I am on a slower internet connection.

Anyways, it is time for me to pass out. I’ll have another post soon hopefully, I’ve been kind of busy moving out of my apartment and with other projects. But nobody reads this blog anyways so I guess it doesn’t really matter haha.

Peace out ya’ll!

CGI blood… Really Mr. Stallone? oh And Scott Pilgrim too

August 15th, 2010

Gah so I have been doing quite a bit of work on this project and I decided that it was time for a break. I saw 3 movies this weekend. Here they are in the order that I saw them:

  1. Eat Pray Love
  2. The Expendables
  3. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Now if I was to order these movies based on my level of enjoyment I would say that it would be:

  1. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  2. Eat Pray Love
  3. The Expendables

Now Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was just a wonderful piece of art. Eat Pray Love was nice. Even the Expendables was good. But my main beef/gripe is that in the expendables they used CGI blood. You know, the crappy looking effects that they have in movies like Ninja Assasin where the blood is just squirting around everywhere, is obviously CGI and looks extremely horrible?

I will admit that the effects in Ninja Assassins were much blatantly horrible. But there was still CGI Blood squirting everywhere. Also I didn’t like Dolph Lungren’s character. He was the reason I wanted to see the damn movie, and they gave him the crappy character, eh.

But yeah, go see Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. It will  be way better than you could have expected. It’s like an action movie, combined with Romantic Comedy, combined with Superbad, combined with Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Zelda, Mario 64, and Super Mario. AMAZING!

Peace out ya’ll