Luckily for you guys I actually do have internet access! But I must also relay some very bad news. So far it seems as though Japan also has a complete and total lack of Red Vines. Both Japan and Taiwan both have neither the black Red Vines nor the Red Red Vines. I had hoped being three hours closer to the United States would make it more likely that Japan would have Red Vines but no! No Red Vines =(. Anyways! On to more important things!
So as you know I am in Japan. Today we went to Yokohama we saw places like the Landmark Tower which looks like this!
Sorry the picture sucks but I have this fixed focal length lens on my SLR camera so I could only get the whole tower in with my crappy Polaroid point and shoot. Just so you know, as point and shoot cameras go Polaroids suck, but it was really cheap on so there you have it!
But anywho, the tower was cool when I went in I thought that I was in America. If I couldn’t hear, couldn’t read lips, and didn’t notice that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was Japanese I would have thought that I was in some new super duper mega mall in the US. This was the craziest mall I have ever been in in my entire life (crazy as in really really nice the Taipei 101 mall included). It was like four buildings interconnected and each building was a mall. Architecturally speaking it was amazing, but all of the stores were the super expensive brands that nobody can afford.
Here is another picture for your consumption.
That is some other building in Yokohama and guess what! It has a mall under it to! How unpredictable.
But one thing about Japan that is really different from Taiwan is that in Japan most people do not understand English. In Taiwan I can go into any restaurant and speak English and they will somewhat understand. In Japan no such luck. But I guess that is to be expected in a foreign country but Taipei is nicer in that respect.
The other things about Japan so far is that everything is SO EXPENSIVE compared to Taipei. I paid 10 bucks for this tiny bit of pasta. The pasta didn’t even have sauce in it! It was spaghetti with fish, basically this was fish flavored pasta and it was 10 dollars! Oh well things can’t be all cheapy cheap everywhere.
Other than things being amazingly expensive and American like, one great thing about Japan are the public toilets. oh my lord look at this.
To the left you can see the Bidet controls. Yes that’s right! a Bidet in a public restroom! jeez louise that is nice. that toilet is amazing. I could not get it in the picture but behind me and to the left is a little chingaderra that you can fold out and then…put your baby in it. That’s right! When you need to take a dump and you have your baby with you, you can bring him or her into the stall. But maybe I misunderstood the Japanese characters but there was a picture of a baby and space for legs. So that was weird but the toilets are amazing!
Yokohama is much more of a tourist location than Taipei and it really shows. Overall Yokohama is amazing but I think I like Taipei better. We’ll see what I think of Tokyo when I get a chance to go there during the week hehe. Ok guys I am going to go to sleep or something it’s late as all hell here. Peace out ya’ll!