Battle: Los Angeles (Critics Are Wrong Again)

March 12th, 2011

So I went to see Battle: Los Angeles on Friday. It was probably the best action sci-fi movie I have ever seen in my life. I went into the movie with my brain 100% turned off, I think enough during school, why the hell should I  watch a movie that requires my brain to do work? Anyways, so I went in watched the movie and oh my lord there was almost no plot, no romance, and no character development whatsoever. Just gun fights, explosions, helicopter rides, and lots of yelling. It was EXACTLY what I wanted.

Now today I am reading some reviews on it and the critics seem to have hated it, it is at 33% on rotten tomatoes for Christ’s sake. but Roger Ebert takes the cake on this one. here is a direct quote:

“Young men: If you attend this crap with friends who admire it, tactfully inform them they are idiots. Young women: If your date likes this movie, tell him you’ve been thinking it over, and you think you should consider spending some time apart.”

I am sorry but I am exceedingly offended by this comment. I am sorry Mr. Ebert, when I go see an action movie I don’t care about plot holes and realism! I just want to turn the power switch on my brain to the “off” position and watch some explosions. But now this douchebag has to go and call me an idiot and suggest that my girlfriend should break up with me just because I enjoyed an action movie.

Gah… Movie critics’ inability to evaluate a movie based on what it was meant to be is one of my most annoying Pet Peeves. seriously dude plot holes? Aliens landed on the Santa Monica beach who cares about a few god damn plot holes.

Pepsi Throwback… it’s back!

March 7th, 2011

I was buying Pepsi throwback last year and I was so pissed because I discovered it late and it was a limited time product. So what is this Pepsi Throwback stuff? here is a picture.


Pepsi Throwback is normal Pepsi that is made with real sugar instead of corn syrup. It actually does taste a lot better than normal Pepsi. This is the 4th limited time run of Pepsi Throwback. I would like it to go on forever but that is probably wishful thinking. I hope everyone buys these like crazy so that Pepsi will decide to sell them permanently. Oh well….

yawn…. iPad2 makes me sleepy

March 2nd, 2011

this new iPad makes me sleepy. You know what tablet has me excited? the Asus EP121. The iPad has a bunch of new features like a dual core processor (which is pointless unless you are multitasking which as far as I know the iOS does not really do). Yes it’s thinner, yes it’s faster, Yes it will support facetime, yes it will work with both Verizon and AT&T 3G, and Yes it has more ports now. But these changes are not anything that would be unexpected or even noteworthy.

Somebody let me know when Apple make an iPad with Bootcamp then I will be impressed. The Asus EP121 has me impressed but the price is not very palatable. For those of you that don’t know the EP121 is a 12.1 inch  Windows 7 based tablet that costs $1099. I think I would have jumped on the EP121 if it was at $800. but at either $999 or $1099 it is just not worth it. I think I’ll stick with my 600 dollar refurbished X200 tablet. Oh if you are curious about the iPad2 go here (

Eh peace out.