Posts Tagged ‘I hate 3d movies’


Monday, December 27th, 2010

So today we had planned to see Megamind since it FINALLY came out in Hong Kong on December 23rd, my birthday. We looked at the times and there was a showing a 9:10 and it was not in 3D! So we woke up this morning, fearing that we would miss it we looked up the times to find that online it showed the movie as being in Cantonese. I can’t complain about that, I’m in Hong Kong. So then we went over to the AMC website, yes there are AMC theaters in Hong Kong, only to find out that AMC only had 3D versions of Megamind. So I just said forget it.

I HATE 3D movies. I have to be really bored and desperate to want to see a 3D movie. First of all I really don’t think it adds anything positive to the movie experience. I think the only time where I thought “this is not totally stupid” was when there was some dust floating around on screen after that huge tree got bombed to oblivion in Avatar. The dust actually seemed like it was in my face. This, although somewhat interesting, is quite a stupid thing to add to a movie since nobody wants to think there is a crap load of dust in their face. Second, on my California Drivers License it says “RSTR:CORR LENS,” which means I need glasses. This means that I look like one hell of an idiot wearing 3D glasses on top of my real glasses. Yes I could wear contacts but I hate those too, they make my eyes all dry. Third, when I wear the 3D glasses I get this weird indescribably odd feeling in the middle of my forehead. An hour and a half of this gets mighty annoying (over 2 hours for avatar).

But the biggest reason why I hate 3D movies is because it is just another way to get more money out of movie goers while adding very little, if anything, to the experience. In most of the 3D movies that I have seen, very few of the scenes would have even benefitted from the “3D” effect. So really, in the US you are adding $5 on top of your already expensive movie ticket to put on some stupid looking glasses and see some minor 3D effect on a few action scenes out of the 2 hours of that particular movie experience.

This, in my humble opinion, is just wrong.

So anyways, back to Megamind, now I will not be seeing this movie in the theaters because it will probably be out of the theaters by the time I get back to the US in January. So now I have to wait until it is out on Netflix or something. gah, how stupid is that? I can only hope that there are more people like me doing the same thing and that by “voting” with our dollars we will be able to stop this 3D fad in it tracks.

Edit (10 minutes later): I am now bored, desperate, and heading to watch 3D Megamind… Fmylife