So some of you MBA’s may be thinking that I just merged with a company or something but you would be wrong! Synergy is a FREE, open source application for Windows, OSX, and Linux that is absolutely AMAZING. so what does it do?
Synergy shares your mouse and keyboard across multiple PC’s. Who cares you say? it does this over your network and it can share your Mouse and keyboard from a mac to a PC or linux or vice versa. I am absolutely in love with this software. Anyone with multiple computers to manage should love this idea.
Here is the situation that I am using it for. I have my huge wonderful computer with dual 24″ monitors on my desk. I come home with my X61 and I don’t want to use the tiny keyboard and nub (you know the little red thing in the middle of the keyboard sometimes referred to as a clit mouse). So I just turn on synergy and I set the laptop to the right of my monitors. Just by moving my cursor all the way to the right until it is off of my monitors I can now control my laptop with my big PC’s keyboard and mouse! Genius!
Anyways, I love it. It is great for me because recently I have been doing a lot of browser compatibility testing (Entreeplay is coming along!) and it is nice to have easy access to a PC with older browsers on it.
But anyways you can try out synergey here (
see you next month!