RJ has The Shawshank Redemption on the Brain

After two hours constant meaningless repetition, trying to memorize Chinese characters, I had two things on my brain. First was a headache. The second was Movies. Since I had a headache the first thing I did was pop an Excedrin. The next thing, of course, was to go to the Internet Movie Database and wander around the site. I saw pictures of Mickey Rourke from Iron Man 2, and found out about Jada Pinkett’s new show on TNT. But then, I found myself looking at the IMDB top 250 list, located here. And boy did I get a positive surprise!

FINALLY! the Godfather is not number one on the list anymore. I am sorry but the Godfather and Godfather part II were the most boring movies I have ever watched. I would rather watch “In the Mix” with Usher and Emmanuelle Chirqi than those long, boring, and dry films. I don’t know how long ago the change happened but whenever it occurred it was long overdue. Sheez! The Shawshank Redemption is a MASTERPIECE, it is the Mona Lisa of films. I don’t know if there will ever be a better film. If any of you reading this have not seen The Shawshank Redemption I urge you, no I COMMAND YOU, to go rent it and see it immediately. You will be much better after the experience. It will probably be the best 2 hours of your life.

If you clicked on the link to IMDB’s top 250 movie’s you would find that not only does it have a 9.1 rating, it also has the most votes out of all the movies on the list! that’s saying something. More people had a strong reaction to The Shawshank Redemption than any of the other films.

You may be wondering why this is such a wonderful film, and I can’t really tell you because i don’t know. I don’t review movies for a living. But i will tell you these two things about it.

First the music is amazing, it is the most beautiful soundtrack I have EVER heard. Thomas Newman is one of the most amazing composers on the PLANET (he’s not Mozart or anything but lets face it, Mozart is dead). Remember the amazing music in WALL-E? That’s right, Thomas Newman! When you watch the movie listen in for “Brooks Was Here” you’ll know when you hear it.

Second the acting and storyline are top notch. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are amazing in this movie and the other actors are great too. They have that one guy from the highlander movie and the other guy that was the Sherriff on Roswell. But anyways think about this. Even though all of the main characters are criminals, somehow you are able to really sympathize and understand their points of view.

I know this blog post is 15 years late (Shawshank Redemption came out in 1994). But this is for those weirdo’s who have not yet seen the movie. You are the ones who are 15 years late! I beg you, please go see it. Maybe they will have it on Blu-ray and you can see every wrinkle on Morgan Freeman’s face.

If you don’t heed my advice and see this movie the loss is yours! peace out ya’ll!

4 Responses to “RJ has The Shawshank Redemption on the Brain”

  1. PSI Fairy says:

    Uhm… Furst. Shawshank is actually longer than 2 hours. So when you’re saying it’s the best two hours, is it the first two hours or the last two hours of the movie.

    Secuhnd. Thomas Newman is not the best movie composers on the planet. I can think of two better ones: Michael Giaccino (sp?) and Howard Shore.

    So there.

    • RJ says:

      Well Soooooorrry! let me restate in this comment. Shawshank Redemption is the best 2 hours and 22 minutes ever.

      And you are entitled to think that howard Shore and Michael Giaccino are better than Thomas Newman. And I am entitled to disagree!

  2. reid says:

    What would compel you to look at the IMDB top 250 list? that doesn’t seem like a common activity

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