RJ’s GuangHua Electronics Market Expedition

So today I went to GuangHua. It was another wonderful Guanghua experience. As usual I went there and I was amazed by all the electronics sold at ever so slightly less than United States prices. But this time I had a purpose. I wanted an MP3 player and some speakers.

The Speakers were some cheap ass Logitech crap. They were $14 dollars, but they were small and they got the job done, whatever. But with the MP3 player, I knew what I was looking for. Here is a picture of what I got. Oh and I got it for 860 NTD ($26 dollars and something cents)




So now you are probably thinking. The pigs are flying and hell is freezing over because I have finally bought an iPod. But you would be wrong, dead wrong in fact. To the untrained eye this may seem like an iPod but if you look closely at the first picture you will notice something. The real iPod Nano has a widescreen for showing widescreen movies (who would want to watch a movie on something so tiny? I don’t know). This fakePod, as I will call it, has a normal aspect ratio screen and it isn’t even centered, it has a sort of left align.

In the second picture you will notice that it doesn’t have one of those stupid Apple proprietary plugs. It is a normal and CHEAP mini-usb plug.  So if you want to be a poser like me and pretend that you can afford nice things like iPods go to Guanghua the next time your in Taiwan and buy a fakePod.

Anywho, this thing can do all the things that an iPod Nano can do but there are a few stupid things about it.

  1. The manual and all software that comes with it is in Chinese
  2. You have to convert all videos to AMV (I’ve never heard of it either).
  3. The warranty is only good in Taiwan (who cares it was 26 dollars)

But the pluses far outweigh these odd things. Well there is really only one thing about this thing that is better than an iPod Nano. With my 2 gigabyte fakePod I will NEVER need iTunes. And that, my friends, is what it’s all about!

Man they had so many fake MP3 players there it kind of makes me wonder what other fake junk I can get there. hmmm…… anyways peace out.

Zip it up and Zip it out!

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