So there is a new iPhone AND a new OS and once again there are problems. I just love it. The iPhone 3G S hasn’t even been released yet and just the updates and reactivations from the current iPhones are overloading the their servers. This is ridiculous, but sort of expected. Apple should test these things more thouroughly so that there are no crazy twitter backlashes against them, especially in light of the fact that activation server crashes screwed them last year.
My real point is that Apple has not made their name with enterprise applications. It would be quite hilarious to me if I were to find out that they were not running their own software so I must assume that they are using their Apple Server OS on their update and activation servers and it just can’t handle the strain.
If you wanted something that was gauranteed to work during a time when 1 million people, or more, were trying to download a 200 megabyte update you bought THE WRONG PRODUCT. Apple had problems with activation last year when I bought my iPhone 3G and it seems like here they are again with the same issue. Plus a new issue with downloading the 3.0 OS.
Personally I love the fact that Apple is getting bashed. I think they are highly overrated and their stock is highly overpriced. They were just the first to come out with an amazing smart phone. So just wait, soon they will no longer be overhyped and sold out.
But please continue to bash apple on twitter, facebook, Myspace, etc etc etc oh wait you can’t haha your iPhone probably didn’t activate after installing the 3.0 OS. Oh well do it later, it makes me feel like the Palm Pre has a chance! yes! I will get my Pre in August!
If you want to read more go here.
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