Palm Pre OS 1.1.0

So yesterday I got a text message from one of my friends saying that the palm pre OS 1.1.0 was out. Unfortunately I was nowhere near any sort of wifi network so I, of course, downloaded over the EVDO network. 10% of my battery life and 30 minutes later I had finished downloading the 1.1.0 update. When I installed it I was very pleasantly surprised. I noticed two things. First the phone seems to have gotten a little bit faster after the update (but this could be in my head). And second now the browser on the phone supports CSS opacity.

I could not understand why the browser didn’t support CSS opacity but now I know. The browser was not complete yet. I wonder if it is completed now haha. But in any event install the 1.1.0 update went smoothly and there were noticeable improvements in the device.

That’s all for now folks.

Peace out!

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