RJ is so embarrassed!

So remember all my rantings about the iPhone and how the palm pre was better? Well I was somewhat correct and somewhat incorrect. The software on the Palm Pre is WAY better, I mean WAY better. But the iPhone hardware is way better than the Palm Pre. So long story short I now have an iPhone 3G S. Your probably thinking “but you hat iTunes so much! what do you hate more than iTunes?” Well I’ll tell you!

I was willing to deal with my single stuck pixel, I was willing to deal with the short battery life, and I even would have been able to deal with the lack of visual voice mail. But all of these combined with the iffy hardware forced me to go back to the iPhone. Ugh… I am so upset. But what could I do? I heard so many bad things about the hardware! One of my friend’s phones randomly restarts when it is shaken, and half of the people I know who have pre’s have stuck pixels! I just can’t deal with that kind if problematic hardware especially since it is so important that I stay connected.

But now… I am stuck with the iPhone. All I can do is one task at a time, it sucks. It is a pain in the ass. But at least this phone has a respectable battery life and is not extremely sluggish when opening apps and what not.

The Palm Pre was just not ready to be released. The software us complete enough and I would say better than the iPhone’s by leaps and bounds but the hardware I think is more important when you compare the iPhone and Pre. Because the iPhone is still very functional and has complete and good hardware.

So now I am done rationalizing! Peace out ya’ll!!

Oh and by the way this was written on an iPhone 3G S.

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