RJ and the crazy spam attack

Luckily I look through all of the comments before they are approved. Recently I have been getting a buttload of comment spam! normally I get a few per week but the last time I went 2 days without checking I had 21 spam comments waiting for me. now to be truthful I am not 100% sure that some of them are spam because they are all in RUSSIAN. Yes you read right. I recieved 21 random russian comments in 2 days. And more recently I recieved 9 comments in Russian in one day.

Now as some of you may know. I do not read Russian. And when I can’t read something and the commenter has put a Russian porn site as there website I am going to assume that it is spam. So if you Russian speaking commenters are actually people and not comment bots then please read this. I do not speak Russian and I currently have no plans to learn it. If you are going to send comment spam to my site at least provide me with some temporary amusement so that I can read your comments. I particularly like the spammer guy who has a link that says I can make 5000 dollars a month by doing nothing. Oh and don’t forget the viagra ads those are priceless. But anywho, to all you spammers out there please spam in English when the site is in English. Otherwise it is really boring clicking delete on the comments. And who knows, if it is in English maybe someone will approve them.

Peace out ya’ll.

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