Man I am disappointed. Smallville is my only real guilty pleasure. I know the show is crap but I love it anyways. So I faithfully watch every episode ON TV, mind you. I am that faithful to the show. I watch all the CW’s stupid commercials and everything. Then today! (Smallville comes on at 8pm on Fridays now) I turn on my TV and what do I see? Major League Baseball! What is up with that, baseball? If there is one thing I hate on TV it is baseball. Baseball has got to be the most boring sport ever made by man (golf is not a sport it is a game). And they had to put it on this friday from 7pm to 10pm. What is up with that?
But you know what the worst part of it is? I have no idea when I can watch this weeks episode of smallville because after looking at the guide it is not rescheduled and everything online says it is airing tonight. So those of you on the west coast will probably get to watch it but I am SOL. wtf man this is so unfair. I was looking forward to this all day long and now I am disappointed. oh well. At least I have other things to keep me occupied.