RJ’s random memory of days gone by….

It was quite a while ago, my junior year in high school I believe when this happened. I was on the Cheetahs track club and we were in wonderful Pocatello Idaho for an indoor track meet. It was very interesting running on an indoor track but that is totally besides the point.

On the last night me and three other guys were out getting some snacks….at 2am. Now let me set the stage. As some of you may know, having probably been to or heard of Pocatello Idaho, it is like 99.99999% white (this is an exaggeration of course but you get my point). I am Black (Jamaican really but whatever I am not nitpicky), one of the other guys was black and then the two others were Mexican. So we were kind of an odd bunch out at 2AM in nearly 100% Caucasian Pocatello Idaho. So anyways as we were walking out of the gas station’s convenience store I noticed a truck pull around the back of the gas station and stop right in line with us.

now I happen to have some random special abilities one of them is that I can FEEL danger, mostly due to mild paranoia. So I told my friends”I think that truck is going to try and run us over.” And then the high beams came on and I said it again. and you know what they did? THEY LAUGHED AT ME. But oh was I laughing later. My second somewhat special ability is that I do not freeze in the face of danger I immediately get the hell out of dodge. As soon as I heard the tires screeching I was gone! I was sure I ran a Usain Bolt time up that hill. I was 50 meters up a hill when I turned around just in time to see my friends barely jump out of the way of the truck as it flew off the curb. then I watched as they ran into a parking lot as the truck drove through it looking for them.

Four or five minutes later, the truck having given up the search, my friends walked out of the parking lot. As the people in the truck saw them come out they slammed on the breaks and started to reverse. But then they thought better of it and left.

When my friends finally got up the hill all sweaty and scared I laughed at them and said “I told you so!” haha… that was fun.

4 Responses to “RJ’s random memory of days gone by….”

  1. Woo says:

    Blogging is so 00’s you should start a twitter mon!

  2. Saurooon says:

    Hi there,
    Where are you from? Is it a secret? 🙂

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