New York City

I have decided that I dislike New York City. It is a great place to visit but once you live here for a while it kind of stinks. Perhaps I would enjoy things more if I didn’t waste 3 hours or more of my every day commuting to Manhattan for school but what can I say that’s my situation.

Perhaps I have been spoiled by the transportation systems in Japan and Taiwan, but it really shouldn’t take and hour and a half to traverse the 15 miles from Canarsie to Manhattan, but it does. At least the trains are not jam packed like they were in Japan, but in Japan the trains come every 6 minutes all day long. And in Taiwan the trains come every 3 minutes during rush hour and every 6 minutes in off hours. In New York I have no idea when the trains will be coming because they are always late. But I will say one thing for the New York transportation system, it is VERY COOL that is open 24 hours, even though at 1am you might wait 20 minutes for a train it is better than nothing. Also I never have to spend 30 minutes with some random fat man’s ass in my crotch like that dangerously overcrowded train that my girlfriend and I took from Tokyo Disney to Yokohama, oh jeez that was a nightmare.

Anyways, yesterday was a particularly annoying day. So I decided to make myself feel better by stuffing my face. One of my classmates revealed the location where God came down from the heavens and gave Chinese food to New York, possibly the USA, it was that good. This place called Congee is at 98 Bowery, near the intersection of Grand and Bowery in Manhattan’s Chinatown. Oh my, this place is amazingly good and cheap. if you are ever visiting New York make sure you try this place it is very tasty indeed.

But other than one burst of enjoyment stuffing my face at Congee New York has been quite a depressing place. As I walk down the streets of Manhattan I hate how I randomly smell urine. It’s funny because you smell it even in the really nice places. Due to the lack of grass dogs just piss on the sidewalk. And of course their owners just stand by and let them because what can you do? So when you are walking around minding your business you will be forced to inhale their pee smell. it’s a wonderful thing, and then don’t get me started about the dog crap just laying around eh I hate pets. People should just get fish.

But at least it is not exactly freezing yet. I am fearing the extremely cold New York Winter. I think 50 degrees Fahrenheit is cold. I don’t know what I am going to do when it is below freezing and I am in Manhattan slipping on that dog piss. Oh that’s gonna be fun. In fact I have to go and pay 200 dollars for some kind of three quarter length wool coat. spending the 200 dollars would be fine if I wasn’t like 3000 dollars in the hole due to not receiving my correct financial aid disbursements yet. Isn’t Fordham’s financial aid department wonderful?

New York is a great place with lots of sights to see but I don’t understand why anyone would want to live here long term. It’s like everyone is in a rush, and there’s no room to rush anywhere because there are so many people. And the traffic is actually WORSE than Los Angeles. Who knew? Eh I guess I just have a Los Angeles type of personality and that is totally not good for New York. I am too laid back and what not for the mean streets of NYC.

I think this weekend I will go to the Museum of Natural History with my camera and take pictures of the dinosaurs or something. That ought to be fun. Actually no, I’ll just be studying. Oh! in unrelated news I finally got this stupid accounting question right! yay for me!

Peace out ya’ll.

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