So as you may know from reading my blog, I am currently a student at the Fordham Graduate School of Business Administration. Guess what? I now dislike it. They seemingly are having one hell of a problem with their financial aid system. To make a long story short. I have lost 12 pounds in 2 months because my financial aid was screwed up and I can’t afford to eat. And Fordham has done nothing about it.
Every time I buy my one meal a day I am putting myself further in credit card debt because of those idiots over there. Now I’m normally not one to complain, oh wait yes I am! Anyways I have been trying to get them to fix it since August 20th and nothing has been done. Well that’s not true, they have told me that it would be fixed by certain times and then the time came and nothing. So other than being mislead either intentionally or unintentionally, I don’t know which, nothing has been done. yay!
If I die from malnourishment before the end of the year you all know what happened. I’ll be sure to write a blog entry from the hospital bed. Anyways I am going to go order a 10 dollar large pizza because that will be 2-3 days of food. yay! 10 more dollars of credit card debt. did I mention the 4000 dollar payment is due on wednesday? oh I didn’t? well it is. I am now welcoming myself to the wonderful world of credit card interest. What a wonderful world it is indeed.
That’s all the Starving Jamaican has to say. peace out!