RJ on Twilight Saga:New Moon

So yesterday I watched Twilight: New Moon. From the previews I thought this movie was going to be bad ass and full of crazy werewolf action. But no! The one scene that they could have shown that would have been amazing, death of Laurent, was not even included. Eh.

This movie like the first one was a large amount of awkward teeny romance drawn out over 2 hours. I must admit that what little werewolf action there was was friggin amazing, not craptastic like Blood & Chocolate (Blood & Chocolate was crap by the way). The human to werewolf transition was quite frankly amazing.

If there were no werewolves in this movie I probably would have stuck a pen in my neck to stop the pain.  But since the werewolves were VERY well done I give it 6 out of 10 stars, with 4 of the stars attributed to the werewolves, 2 stars attributed to the tense vulturi scene, and 1 star to the movie in general.

All in all I would say that it is worth seeing if you can suffer through the intense teeny romance.

Oh and the cornbread turkey filling that I had with the Jerk Turkey was amazing!


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