Once again there are rumors about the iPhone coming to Verizon at XYZ date. This time it is January 2011. I don’t know about you but I am getting mighty tired of these rumors from “people who know about the plans” sprouting up. Sheez if you are going to say something like this then you should at least be willing to give a name. Otherwise you should just keep your mouth shut.
But anyways I am pretty sure that this newest prediction is going to turn out to be wrong. I was under the impression that there was a 5 year exclusivity with AT&T for the iPhone, which would make 2012 the earliest year possible (but this could also be a rumor. it’s so hard to tell these days.). Also since Apple has brought out the new iPhones in June or July for the last four years why would they suddenly move to a January release date? I could see Google moving release dates around since they don’t seem to care about release date timing (it was quite horrible waiting for froyo) but Apple? I think not.
I think it would be much more likely that the iPhone would be going to T-Mobile first since as they are made right now they work almost 100% on T-Mobile (T-mobile 3G runs on a different frequency than AT&T 3G). So there would be a much lower cost for that new version of the iPhone. Who know’s, those crazy Apple engineers could design an iPhone that works with 3G on both AT&T and T-Mobile.
So I will make my own prediction! I predict that there will be a T-Mobile iPhone 4S in 2012 followed by the iPhone 6 with Verizon and Sprint added in. If everyone else is quoting some prediction why not me? Oh and I was told by this bottle of Mike’s Hard Lemonade that I am drinking. It knows about the plans.
In the end though I don’t really care if the iPhone goes to Verizon or not I still won’t buy it for two reasons:
1. Android has stepped up and, in my opinion, is better than IOS
2. Verizon uses a CDMA network that will only work in the US, Canada, and Mexico. I don’t want to have to deal with getting a loaner phone and all that junk when I leave the country, and who knows if a loaner phone would be available to me as a non business customer
So if Verizon gets an iPhone they can keep it. They may have better reception than AT&T but I doubt that you will be able to travel internationally and use it. But I know LOTS of people who would not care about that restriction, but they may care that the Verizon plans are considerably more expensive than AT&T.
Eh whatever no matter where it is the iPhone will sell like crazy. Something about that Steve Jobs guy just makes everybody want to buy everything they make, except the Macbook Air and of course the Newton. But those two were some hardcore road apples, well the Macbook Air still is a road apple.
anyways, peace out!